Fire Extinguisher Operations/Basic Fire Safety– This course is hands-on training with fire extinguishers and covers fundamentals of fire extinguishers, including different types and uses. In this course, participants are able to handle the various types of extinguishers and practice extinguishing a controlled fire via a training simulator. The course also covers general fire safety in campus buildings and lab spaces, information on emergencies on campus, as well as severe weather safety. Register in REPORTER
First Aid/CPR/AED Use– This course covers basic first aid practices when encountering common illnesses and injuries, such as cuts, minor burns, seizures, choking or allergic reactions. Additionally, the course provides an overview of how to perform bystander CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), when one is available. After the presentation, the participants will practice bystander CPR and learn to operate an AED on a manikin. This course is not for certification (American Heart Association or Red Cross CPR Card), but provides a good overview for anyone who is interested in having basic knowledge. Register in REPORTER
In a STOP THE BLEED® In this course, you’ll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out:
- How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound
- How to pack a wound to control bleeding
- How to correctly apply a tourniquet.
These three techniques will empower you to assist in an emergency and potentially save a life. Why Learn? A bleeding injury can happen anywhere. We’ve all seen it happen too often—on the news or in everyday life. Register in REPORTER
To request courses at your location following must be confirmed:
- At minimum 5 individuals, but no more than 15.
- A location outside for hands-on training if needed, or indoor space large enough for hands-on practicals.
- A reserved conference room or area to accommodate seating for at least 15 individuals and it must include a computer with a projector and if possible a clicker for the lecture portion.
Contact the Fire and Life Safety Office at 919-515-2568 or email firesafetyhelp@ncsu.edu .